Wellness Tools for Sanity and Success

Gifts for you: Your business thrives on strong, supportive relationships in all areas of your life. This is a one-page list of mindful practices for building or rebuilding a relationship in any area of your life. After 20 years as a counselor and business adviser, listening and watching couples and individuals discover what works, I compiled these best practices to share. We all could use a tip sheet now then, right? Relationship Best Practices Your_Business_Appreciation_Ritual (you can use this ritual for any part of your life, not only your business)
Complete Course Class Recording Folder
Class Ten: March 23, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download.
Class 10 “My Practice” sign. This is a word document. Each of you who were in Class 10 have a page. Those of you who were not can use this as a template for your own sign. Class 10 Practice Statements
Class Nine: March 16, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. Wellness Tools Class 9_I_AM_Statements This is a PDF you can download. Take a look! Practice Meditation: Complete run-through of Mindfulness Guide audio exercise — 10 minutes.
Class Eight: March 9, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. Practice Meditation: Complete run-through of Mindfulness Guide audio exercise
Class Seven: February 24, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. Practice Meditation: Complete run-through of Mindfulness Guide audio exercise — 24 minutes.
Class Six: February 17, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. Practice Meditation: All four tools plus Mind, Heart, Body alignment audio exercise — 17 minutes.
Mindfulness Guide: A few questions to guide your meditation and remind you throughout day of your intentions.Wellness Tools Daily Guide_Class 6
Class Five: February 10, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. (no separate meditation this week, just the recording of the whole class)
Class Five Preparation: February 10, 2016
Here is the written pre-work assignment. Bring with you to class responses to the following two questions:
- What is one behavior that you know keeps you in a place you don’t wish to be personally and professionally? It could be a thought pattern or reflex response to a situation, for instance.
- What is one gap or perceived weakness that you haven’t been able to fill or get enough of the right kind of support around to move past it?
And, think about what your life would be like on the other side of these thoughts and actions… ahhhh, heaven.
Class Four: February 3, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. Practice Meditation: “Changing Your Relationship to Your Memories” guided audio exercise — 18 mins.
Class Three: January 27, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. Practice Meditation: Heart and Mind Alignment Tool guided audio exercise — 44 mins. Includes meditation covering tools from classes 1 and 2.
Class Two: January 20, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. Practice Meditation: Stabilizing Your Life Tool guided audio exercise: 9 mins
Class One: January 13, 2016
Class Recording: DropBox link for listen or download. Practice Meditation: Thought Command guided audio exercise: 18 mins