About Our Teams
Groups of wonderful people have formed around each of the three Stewardship areas. Below is a rotating slider of the team member groups.
Below the team slider is a list of advisers who help us find the best ways to share stewardship practices to others.
And, Advisors: Our Sanity Check
Because GoldVision, LLC is an umbrella for three separate but related divisions, we seek the counsel from a wide variety of wise colleagues.
Susan Rueppel, WINtuition business consulting
Tracy Saville, CEO/Queentia, a global technology platform for women
Anne Staines, President/ProProse and Principal/Candela Partners
Eric Hansen, Senior Business Performance Analyst, SMUD
Josie Talamantez, Arts/Historic Preservation Consultant and Chicano community leader
Shawna Fitzgerald, CEO/Creating Answers Business Finance Coaching and Services
Jeff Louis, Partner/Capsity CoWorking